Friday, 23 March 2007

Will you get some f*cking MANNERS!

I'll tell y'all about the title to this blog in a bit...

but to the news - we got the first three coats of paint in room 4, loads of the electrics done (cheers sparky dave) and all the plaster board up in both room 4 and the chill out room. Room 3 has it's floor down and the basic electric ring in for the plugs..

so, the other day we're sitting having some fish and chips and dan belches like the disgusting animal he is so i said "will you get some fucking manners" and dave laughed so much he now says it to everyone, all the time. So, you heard it here first.

some more breaking news, Pink Hearse ( have a new bassist, my buddy Lauren ( well done girl!! i'm sure you're going to be ace.

the gig last night with oscars park was a bit of a bust, because rob couldn't hear his in-ear-monitors and thought i was turning it down - it was more to do with wax in his ears i'm sure, but hey.. life goes on.

rock hard studios (www.rock-hard-studios) will be open next week and we'll be taking bookings from tomorrow.. here's to being full from the first day we open ace!!!

so for now...

will you just get some FUCKING manners!!!


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